Passive Voice 被动语态

Led by Jiahang (Billy) Su and Ian Slade, Passive Voice is an arthouse film about the maturation of a young man. Finished at the onset of the COVID pandemic in Los Angeles, my crew and I managed to capture a taste of the 1990s Hong Kong cinema with this film. Rewatching this film surprisingly rekindled a sense of vitality within me, which has been lost for some time now. But this time capsule is able to bring me back. That is the power of cinema.
Passive Voice 是一部讲述男孩成长的艺术电影。2019年,在一次走访华人区时,我在万里之外的洛杉矶找到了些许香港上个世纪的味道,很喜欢,便想在习作中复刻。然后有了这次拍摄。影片完成后,正赶上新冠大流行,很快又被搁置。现在回看,竟从中感受到一股强大的活力。她说不上从哪来,又不知哪里去了。王小波说,生活是一个缓慢受锤的过程。也许她随着生活被砸碎了,但好在有电影,电影能证明她存在过。

About Me
Da is an independent filmmaker, 
who is proficient in writing, 
directing and acting.
He is able to mix your sound on sets,
knows how to produce,
but don't ever, EVER allow him to stand by your camera.